Tag Archives: Democrats

Midterm Retrograde Souls

Peering through reverent fingers, I watch them flourish and fall.”
-Rudyard Kipling, The Gods of the Copybook Headings

Nothing is so imprisoning as self-imposed confinement inside walls raised around a false premise. The thralls of a deficient political ideology—one composed of nothing other than an amalgamation of retrograde societal and spiritual influences—daring to label themselves Progressives might comprise the height of irony.

Confirming that the state of affairs consistently falls apart under leftist leadership is a matter of observation. Determining why is an exercise in critical thinking that keeps one out of the barriers raised around embraced (and afterward doggedly institutionalized) folly in the first place.

It wasn’t always like this. In the days long before the Internet enabled the viral spread of absolute idiocy, established norms regulated behavior through social constructs that had endured for millennia. The natural human tendency to point out displayed stupidity and apply appropriate ridicule imprinted a necessarily brutal lesson:  obviously bad ideas are to be quashed rather than granted undeserved respect out of a sense of fairness. Thereby, the weak are chastised and observers edified.

We began our school days with the Pledge of Allegiance instilling the essence of ideological Americanism. What is the prevailing philosophy now?

I pledge allegiance to myself
In a perpetual state of indulgence
One concern, namely me
With inherited grievance and social justice for all?

By now, mere days away from Joe Biden’s first and—hopefully last—midterm election, the stark contrast between effective leadership and wishful thinking has become painfully obvious … akin to staring into a sun lit by the fires of consequence. A corrupt and failing Democratic Party committed interstate conspiracy and dared to subvert the electoral process to install him as doddering political figurehead.

It had to be Joe Biden. No politician with full cognitive health could have withstood the humiliation of knowing how history would view him in retrospect after being elevated by blatant fraud.

Afterward, hubris acquired by the man over the course of decades revealed a would-be tyrant with the diseased mind of a reprobate: one approaching the demented and incoherent end game he’s earned throughout his pathetic, pandering, posturing and plagiarizing career.

I have subjected myself to the playbook of derp that comprises The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret. I found it to be a wish list for an alternate reality and remain amazed that its publication has not provoked Ayn Rand to rise from her grave to claw out the eyes of the authors. Schwab’s World Economic Forum has been behind the grooming and installation of indoctrinated figureheads across Western society for the expressed purpose of advancing globalized government and weakening national identity. What is lacking in the thesis is any data from the real world where these consolidated brainstorms have produced anything but economic ruin and social dysfunction.

In elitist minds such as occupy the WEF, a dystopian hellscape will only produce a more compliant population. Scared and hungry people, to their ruling class mindset, will tend to do as they’re told instead of revolt and hang them from lampposts.

This is how The Way Things Are points out the worst of us: the ones possessing both the compulsion to assume control while lacking the innate ability to deliver the fruits of competent leadership. It’s no wonder their spectrum depends on election fraud and censorship directed at countering narrative rather than their ideology’s ability to prevail in the arena of ideas. Critical thinking is a survival skill, and the motivations propelling of the ego-driven WEF comprise nothing but the fuel for history next ash layer.

They call us Christian Nationalists. That’s how faithless globalized socialists identify their enemies: by identifying and disparaging their virtues.

What the cabal who installed Joe Biden as an alleged president has accomplished thus far into his tenure can hardly be termed progress if he was ever intended to fulfill his Oath of Office in the first place. If their goals are otherwise, yes, progress indeed has been made.

If their goal is to maintain power through perpetually inflating their vote totals via the manipulation of rigged machine counts, they’ve made stellar progress. If they intend to create and leverage societal dysfunction through inherited grievance and groomed intersectional victimhood complexes, they’ve not only made progress, but emerged as the preeminent beneficiary of the elimination of personal responsibility and utter rejection of pursued reverent wisdom.

They’ve built a high castle of wretchedness on a foundation of sand. The results are inevitable and effortless to predict even without bestowed prophecy.

Today’s Democratic Party is beyond pity. Jesus, when he allowed the demons in Luke Ch.8 to enter the herd of pigs, knew they would cast themselves into deep water and drown. The recent departure of Tulsi Gabbard has followed a virtual exodus of conscience from the Democrats. Act upon act of fiscal irresponsibility, resulting economic damage, and faithless treason has exceeded the affiliative capacity of countless Americans who can no longer move with those marching toward the precipice directly in the path of their former party.

What once could pass as ideology on the Left has crossed the boundary between rationality and mental illness. Mental illness needs to be confined and treated, not enabled and affirmed. Otherwise, it progresses until the life fueling the journey is expended, and death wins again.

It’s not the business of the living to allow death another victory. The exception, as the doctrine of Christian warfare decrees to the detriment of the unrighteous, is where preservation of what we defend outweighs the toll extracted by the battlefield.

Today’s Democratic Party, if the Republic is to be preserved, needs to be disempowered to the point of political irrelevance at every level of governance it defiles. The sin nature cultivated in their sphere of influence—the retrograde forces preying on the spiritually dead, irresolute, morally weak, cowardly and otherwise vulnerable—progresses in the same sense of pathology whereby we track the course of any other disease.

There is a cure for every ill. Sometimes the course of treatment is painful. In the worst cases the condition has progressed past the point of no return, which is why avoidance in addressing any serious health concern is unwise.

America isn’t past the point of recovery yet. God willing, should a tidal wave of resentment and dutiful attendance at the polls have an ideologically American resurgence sweep the electoral landscape in November, the ruins of the political Left will stand as a warning to others that no one should ever, ever attempt to assume power through dishonest electoral measures again.

The resulting repudiation might be difficult for Joe Biden to bear. It will be nothing less than the man has earned.

Choose to love, -DA


As I write this, we are not even a week into what is considered inside the Perimeter to be the cruelest month. Dear kitteh TR, often the first one up to the top as a kitten, ascended to the New House on New Year’s Day in 2009, and his brother Gordon on January 30 three years later. Today, January 6, is Gato’s Day, when we miss and remember a good cat—strong, brave, and levelheaded—on the second anniversary of losing our beloved orange stepchild.

That’s the way of things when committing to love someone not likely to outlive you. It takes an essential sort of courage to do so regardless, and dealings with what comes next comprise life lessons purposely bestowed as subjects of contemplation. We would not have them any other way, which is good, considering they will never be any other way.

This year, January 6 is also the anniversary of losing something, if only temporarily, that was supposed to far outlast us: namely the bestowment of just powers, derived from the consent of the governed, via the treasured institution of free and fair elections. Worse, we didn’t lose this through any progression of natural process. It was taken from us quite unnaturally by traitors and criminals who think they know better how things should be than did America’s Founders.

Over the course of the past year it’s become painfully obvious the current administration and legislative branches are populated on the political Left by individuals elevated through obvious and undeniable interstate fraud. That none of those usurpers have been shot or hanged to date speaks well of the level of civility remaining on the right side of the bell-shaped curve of distribution defining the spectrum of American politics.

Today, hand-wringing commentators more devoted to narrative than integrity will decry the protest at the Capitol of January 6, 2021 as testimony otherwise. Those who have examined the footage and evidence know the unfortunate events of that day were planned and orchestrated by instigators for the exact effect achieved: a coup unopposed by the only strategy which would have prevented the embarrassing debacle of the Biden administration.

Despite conducting the national election in ways that were unconstitutional and illegal at the federal and state levels, corrupt state executives and legislatures allowed their respective electors to present the bounty of Democrat fraud to the Vice President of the United States, Mike Pence, then presiding over the Senate. His inadequacy was the last ditch that could have decided the election in the House of Representatives, where a preponderance of Republican-majority state delegations reside. For reasons that are equally incomprehensible as his decision to forgo courage, he has since been allowed to appear in public wearing trousers rather than the Swamp Skirt (Pence-ill skirt?) he earned one year ago today.

Mike Pence thinks he’s going to be the Republican candidate for President one day. The Hindenburg was once considered the future of air travel, as well.


The Democrats’ political machine, simply dying to rule, is also killing to rule. Besides Ashli Babbitt, who was shot to death without reasonable justification by Capitol Police officer Lester Holt, Rosanne Boyland died after being beaten during a brutal assault on protesters in a tunnel on the lower west side of the Capitol building. Since those losses, patriots who vented their outrage at a stolen election have been hunted with facial recognition and cell phone network identifiers, interrogated, imprisoned without trial, and harassed by federal authorities, while entrapping instigators such as Ray Epps walk free.

I ditched Facebook before the current regime took power in Washington, recognizing the site would only become target designators in a brave new world dominated for a time by the unelected and unaccountable power-mad in D.C. Prior, I was acquainted with the head of the South Carolina Tea Party, Pressley Stutts, who was invited onto the Capitol steps by its police officers, and whose selfies posted there earned him harassment by the TSA (“We know where you were on January 6th”) that he feared would last a lifetime.

COVID treatment protocols killed Pressley when he was hospitalized with the virus later that same year, but that is another story.

We have endured the Biden administration for twelve months now. A showcase of exemplary inadequacy, as a result of their wrongheaded policies the country’s economy has suffered, sixty percent of respondents now see Joe Biden as a weak president, and nearly every appearance by the man generates more speculation on what his neurological future holds. Spoiler: it holds as little promise as do those determined to ignore The Way Things Are.

Attempting to wish away consequence is a dead-end road traveled by childish minds and the distinguishing characteristic of the political Left. The delusion promising that sin brings profit is eventually set right for liars, thieves, plagiarists, and the perverse and corrupt. Joe Biden is demonstrably all of those things. His son Hunter is further testament to the deficient character of the man who produced him, and his historical legacy will only be that of a doddering figurehead elevated via fraud by a controlling cabal of opportunists, traitors, reprobates, and idiots. Their temporary advantage can and should have only one result:  the desiccated political viability of the Democratic Party smoldering in the ruins of the midterm elections of 2022 and the presidential contest conducted under reforms to be put in place between now and 2024.

Today’s Democratic Party is living in a Matrix-like construct engineered entirely by their own aversion to wisdom. And as in the most recent installment of that cinematic franchise, they are also dedicated to the deliberate dismantling of what came before.

No person of normal sensibilities embraces their own destruction. Doing so has been an indicator of mental illness since our species has been sufficiently self-aware to detect those thus afflicted. Degrading the moral and ideological fabric of one’s society roots in self-hatred spawned by the dark patron spirit currently dominating Hollywood. In the same venomous vein driven by colluding inner voices, producers, directors, and politicos seem determined to tear down the institutions that edified and inspired their adherents in favor of agendas that cannot stand against rational criticism.

I have a degree in psychology, and none of the theories I studied for years explains such a state of dedicated and demented human evil as this: their patron spirit wants them (and us) dead.

Individuals locating on the left half of the bell-shaped curve have a common pathology. As the political Left sees government as the summit of authority promising the license to impose their will, the immoral Left (seldom apolitical) holds the apex of the human experience to be indulgence in abyssal depths of depravity without criticism or apparent consequence. Both are manifestations of captivity in the deadly sin of lust.

Politicians currently exploiting the engineered optics of January 6, 2021 have been frustrated in their agenda of overreach over the past year. They rushed into their wish list of tyranny, forgetting that governance in the United States is bounded by Constitutional limits. Those powers not specifically granted belong instead to the States, per the Tenth Amendment’s stipulation.

In the case of the immoral Left, The Way Things Are stymie every plan to escape consequence, consigning transgressors to the judgment of natural law. In both cases indefensible actions, once institutionalized, will inevitably result in systemic collapse rather than being accepted as “the new normal.”

And it doesn’t matter whether that system is the Democratic Party, fiscal irresponsibility, or the terminus of the gastrointestinal tract. Matters there don’t end well when pursued past their limits.

Government manifesting servant leadership rather than oppression roots in the self-governance of a responsible electorate elevating like minds to the righteous authority free and fair elections allow. Since the current cabal found themselves empowered by other means, it was to be expected that the following months would see things go from bad to worse. Natural law is by design a teacher whose harsh lessons impart to those at a distance lasting comprehension of why certain behaviors should be avoided.

It’s the time of year to set goals and pursue aspirations, as we look forward while holding close the lessons of the past. The challenges ahead of we patriots and folk of valid faith require more than resolutions, though. They require resolve to embrace strength rather than weakness. Being strong, we can legitimately demand and cultivate strength in others. Holding ourselves accountable, we can apply the same standards of accountability elsewhere. Believing, we are empowered to propagate awareness of the state of actuality lending an appreciation for the levels and planes of governance beyond the apparent. Having grasped eternal constructs in The Way Things Are, we may proceed to meet the challenges of a new year without fear of tomorrow.

We are meant to live as free folk, not livestock, and in courage, not trepidation. Those who think otherwise might need to be convinced in 2022, but it has never been and never will be otherwise.

Choose to love, -DA


In production news, the Editress is midway through Boone’s seventh and concluding title, Two Years with Master Quan. Current progress is hinting at a late spring/early summer release, God willing. Boone, Thibaut, Quan and others you’ve not yet met will be worth the wait, I promise.


Yesterday, I watched the cogs of politics turn in a completely predictable fashion. Being a government worker in a capacity that’s none of your business, I was able to call the near future blow by blow. From the time I heard of Democrats pushing a new federal holiday through the legislative process to its inevitable result, I knew a day off for Juneteenth, filtering down through state and local governments in the course of a half afternoon, was on the way.

Disturbed by the number of Americans of African descent embracing ideological Americanism and rallying to the Trump presidency, the Democratic Party reverted to a pandering strategy having served them well for more than half a century. Then, they converted possession of a significant electoral demographic from Dr. King’s dream to the welfare state envisioned by Lyndon Johnson. A national holiday now commemorates what many celebrated already: the last vestige of Southern slavery ended by Federal troops in Galveston, Texas on June 19, 1866.

It’s appropriate, even overdue, to have a Federal holiday celebrate the Republicans whose long efforts ended slavery. The Civil War was one of the most costly in our nation’s history, but being grounded in the present day and rejecting the notion of inherited grievance, the only reparations descendants of nineteenth-century veterans of that conflict demand is respect for the unifying principles and patriotism driving their forebears to the righteous fight.

Not that the slave-owning mindset ever truly disappeared; the primary lesson of history is that, while times may change, human nature does not, and so the compulsion to direct the lives of others survives in its most hideous forms. Slavery still exists in Islam, communism, and the cultivated dependence and intolerance of ideological diversity defining today’s Democratic Party. Please pardon any redundancy in those last examples.

Leave it to today’s Democratic Party to establish a national holiday that manages to divide the American people on racial grounds. Power is found in advancing the narrative of liberating the oppressed. It’s the height of irony that the posers responsible for pushing through another day off harbor in their intent every antithesis of freedom for those they seek to manage rather than serve.

Today’s Democratic Party, being exclusively concerned with accumulated power, operates outside the bounds of conscience, morality, or any other vestige of character reflected in the founding principles that gave birth to America. Yes, slavery was an institution at the time, and that Constitutional incongruity resolved within a lifetime to its righteous end with the issuance and enforcement of the Emancipation Proclamation.

What happened next is historically incontrovertible. The Democratic Party fought against losing their power over the lives of black Americans for the next century, until the Great Society replaced urban family structure with checks mailed out by the government in proportion to a woman’s ability breed the voters of tomorrow. Young black men, reduced to sires of happenstance, now endeavor to kill each other at alarming rates. The hooded Klan of a century ago would have approved.

In March of this year, in an exchange with a colleague during a proceeding in the House, United States Representative Jerry Nadler let slip what should be evident to any interested observer: “God’s will is of no concern to this Congress.” Representing only his self interest, neither is anyone’s but Nadler’s own and those wielding the power of controlling alphas in his party structure.

Living without presumed accountability is part and parcel of their bubble … the deficient perspective the political Left has constructed in its collective mindset. Freedom, to those afflicted by self focus, beckons as the ability to fulfill desires without consequence on a path whose correction is more severe the longer it delays. Life teaches hard lessons so we (or distant observers) learn, remember, and carry on with increased chances for survival. Consequences of natural law, though, seem like oppression to the self absorbed. Bitterness results. Bitterness is an acid that corrodes from the inside out, and so a cycle of degradation is perpetuated that only valid faith can end.

Take faithful considerations—to your God, your county, your loved ones, your neighbors—out of consideration and the result is slavery, not freedom.

Today’s Democratic Party acts as Satan’s ministry in consistently seeking to co-opt any edifying aspect of government. Society is polarized now between chasing life and death, those orientations being the ones and zeroes in the engineering math of their Creator. The world has made offers of various material and fleshly sorts in exchange for Democrat souls, and in the denial of their essential existence they’ve bought into the deception of the enemy.

Stacey Abrams is even writing mommy porn now. Try wiping that image from your mind when you’re an author of substantive works.

Anyway …

The lessons of history, as I said previously, are there for the taking to harvest and nourish ideological wellness, and it’s no surprise when today’s corrupted and partisan public education system discounts them at every opportunity.

Respect for The Way Things Are includes the embrace of valid faith, the love of others to which we are encouraged, the admonition against enabling destructive behavior, and incorporating the sure hope that has endured through the Age of the Church. It is not for nothing that Christ revealed Himself to us in an era where Roman historians could document His actuality.

The fictional ages of Tolkien’s Middle Earth began and ended with momentous events resulting in a new referential paradigm. So it will be with our own.

In Christ, God chose to demonstrate His love prior to the coming days when He will again assert His authority. In this time of waiting before the whole world is judged, we pass to righteous judgment one at a time whether we are mindful of such inevitability or not.

Cast your wishes, set your goals, work to your best ability, and then live in the world as it is. To do otherwise is to fall prey to the nets of those who put their best interest above your own. Being deceived to eternal consequences for the rebellious amusement of God’s enemy is the most degrading and tragic servitude of all. You have His promise that your days are not for nothing.

Choose to love, -DA


In production news, the Editress is somewhat more than one-third through her various processes in Ritter’s final novel, featuring his return to Bosnia-Herzegovina in Sister’s Shadow. We continue to expect his sixth title and conclusion of Sean’s File to appear at the end of summer. As always, you’re sure to hear about it first right here.

In the meantime, we’re in the midst of the annual Summer Doldrums, so far as book sales go. There are three free titles linked in various outlets on the sidebar. You might even want to continue the story with paid titles that follow.

The Impeachment of Sin

I grew up in another time. We were disciplined, subject to expectations, and led the day in school with the Pledge of Allegiance. We were not cowards, and common wisdom was more evident then. Faith prevailed, and we were blessed. The days were therefore as they should be, but we missed the blessing of that, not imagining it could be any other way. It doesn’t take much intellectual spark these days to see the state of affairs has taken a turn for the worse.

I write this shortly after President Trump has been acquitted in a second show trial inflicted on the country by the political Left. As with every egregious transgression, it was revealing, defining, and an object lesson for those of us determined to go forward in the business of a faithful soul. We are the ones who pay attention to such things and add derived conclusions to our store of wisdom.

For a newly freed believer, once the Spirit pulls back the hood the world has weaved, one sees how the embrace of sin has an aura to it. Wretchedness is evident in the eyes, words … and deeds most of all. That is how faithful people know something terribly wrong has happened to our country.

Guilt settles on sinners. It manifests in regret for those who feel the burn of their conscience, but settles deeper in those for whom grace has never been sought. There, it sinks deep into the soul to become an ever-growing lesion warping what once should have been an continual, lifelong edification of the Spirit. The weight of it repels wholesome thought and twists perspective to steer the lost soul into just the course its patron spirit of death longs to accomplish: company in perdition, for hate’s sake.

Hate burns an exhaustible supply of fuel. It consumes its bearer on the inside first and then, when the outer shell of the soul is perforated, its spark spreads to whatever else is fated to combust. Those flame-weakened souls are now in charge, having sunk to new lows in the pursuit of power on a scale not seen previously. It was a coordinated effort across the country as gleefully documented by Time magazine and, the Spirit says, directed from a lower plane as well. God’s soft and still voice is not the only one active in the world, to the misfortune of the vulnerable who attend the brashness of His enemy.

The American ideal was formulated by our Founders for a committed citizenry of active, involved, cognizant and faithful folk. Our freedoms were recognized as bestowed by our Creator, not granted via consensus in a manner that could be revoked at the whims of those in power for the moment.

For the next two years, the American obligation to We the People will be diminished. In the reprobate minds of trash herders and opportunists, contentment is found in empowering themselves through the continuous spiritual erosion and resultant dependency of their voting base. The consolidation of power through manipulating the tabulation of votes allowed by the resultant lack of scrutiny has been leveraged to ensure this; there is no guiding principle on the political Left except to win, and no fix to soothe their addiction to control other than accumulating ever more of it.

The spirit of the enemy is moving in America, inspiring the treason of election fraud and shoring up the walls behind which installed figureheads will shelter for a time. Those walls stand around the Capitol now, a barrier built out of the fear of consequences of governing against the will of the people and as a testimony to their intent to do just that.

Guilt does such things. The state of possession in which a reprobate mind dwells feeds on hubris as compensation, seeking to convince its victim soul that all is well, when every indicator and fruit of wrongheaded action screams otherwise. Sin, even when institutionalized, remains as wretched in convention as it was in aberration, with the same inevitably encountered consequences as set by natural law in The Way Things Are.

We will watch an inevitable dynamic play out again as indefensible premises are extended into folly unable to bear the load of the world of actualities. Systemic collapse is coming, on a scale more unfortunate than would have been if fortitude had prevailed anywhere in the chain that foisted this national disaster on us. From the local governments who allowed inflated vote counts to stand, to the state houses certifying what the overwhelming preponderance of evidence indicated was fraud, to the courts who refused to hear the appeals of those who stood against the lie that was the election of November 2020, we were betrayed.

The weight of that cumulative transgression in pressing down now on the governance of this nation. It has evolved from hidden guilt to the empowerment of evil evident now in every branch of national government. The Deep State goes deeper than even its core denizens know, for this is no longer a political battle only. This is the revelation of evil arising as prophesied.

People are afraid, and understandably so; I have painted a bleak picture of the present day just now. This is the world in which Jesus warned us we would have trouble, and it is fulfilling its part in His plan. And this is His plan, one set in place before the empowerment of the enemy to corrupt the thinking of his victims, one set in Divine motion above and in advance of any desperation of hate His opposition will ever muster.

Godour Creator, Author and Finisher, the great I Am, Yahweh, the Craftsmanset in time and outside Himself this great work of life to flourish and refine his servants. Its temporal limitation confines His enemies, and defines each and every soul through the actions that will eventually divide them to His right and left hands in final judgement.

This work of His was conceived in love to seek and winnow out those who would love Him in return and so dwell with Him forever, as He at the beginning did not wish to be alone. It is for the sake of those who will that He endures those who will not.

There will be no excuses at the end. They have the same Word we were given, but have not listened. Some will eventually, when the weight of their transgressions and the atrocities of their camp break through the thickest plaque of delusion and guilt to convict them of the sin that imprisoned them. Others will not, and are destined to be bundled and burned with the other tares of the field. It has never been and cannot be any other way.

Outside the corrupted Beltway of the District of Columbia there are states, and those composed of local governments ever less removed from the people they serve. There, the illusion that citizens exist to be directed rather than obeyed is more difficult to sustain; you were meant to be effective there as a citizen: communicating with your representatives the values of faith and ideological Americanism. Clearly state that there will be consequences to disregarding or defying our founding principles just as in every breach of natural law.

There are levels of government to hold to account, just as there are corresponding strata of faithfulness to fulfill in living as we should. In our communities and state governments reside the strength that can right the ship of national policy. You are far from alone in your outrage, and in seeking others of your same sort you will find this a another battle that can be won, once those who think otherwise are thoroughly convinced.

So get to it, America. This is only the beginning of what we will show them.

Choose to Love. -DA


In production news, the Editress continues winter’s work on timeline and fact checking in the downhill portion of Content Edit for the final novel of Sean’s File, featuring his return to Bosnia in ‘Sister’s Shadow.’ Once this is complete, progress in production editing is more predictable, allowing a projected publication date currently anticipated for late summer 2021. Like always, I will keep you informed here, as it is readers who best rock my world.

The White Nationalist Bogeyman

Politics, as reflected in narratives thus advanced, represent the emphasis on character or the disregard thereof inherent in a given camp. Reliable people do not traffic in lies, nor do evil folk endure the examination of their values, intent, or world view generally. So far as the political Left is concerned, criticism of unsound behavior has evolved into the only real sin worthy of opposition.

Leftward-leaning premises contribute nothing to the general condition, and in fact degrade the human experience past the point where a moral being may ignore their effects. Nothingness comprising the essence to which they consign themselves—in self-focus and faithlessness—consistently manifests in the poor quality of their propositions and unsustainable supporting arguments. Lowering the standard of rhetoric as they do, typical weapons Leftists most often employ are equally dishonorable to the remainder of their creed. Scare tactics, insubstantial claims, and accusations designed to leverage emotion rather than survive critical examination are chief among those.

Distraction is another strategy to avoid the death knell of leftist ideas, only nominally deserving to be labeled thought. Likewise, redirection is another common avoidance of defending, much less conceding, fatally flawed premises. Combining these rancid techniques, to heat and stir in the cauldron of the political Left, is the foul recipe that produced today’s Democratic Party.

Dems, particularly when exploiting racial issues, need to rewrite the history of their own party and offload the righteous indignation aroused by their residually spectral aura of slave ownership. Their offenses against humanity continued even after the institution was ended, such as the atrocities perpetrated by the Ku Klux Klan—an organization founded by Southern Democrats to suppress black voting, by the way—acculturated racism and resultant segregation in the Democrat South, and their party’s consistent opposition of 1960s civil rights legislation advanced by Republicans.

Racism endured, though, and sought new advantage and embodiment in targeting the integrity of urban black families via the dependency enabled by politically-motivated social welfare spending … initiated by another Democrat, Lyndon Baines Johnson. Over generations of engineered tragedy ironically termed The Great Society, Democrats leading and feeding their dependent voters cultivated the impression that somehow the political spectrum had reversed, and the Democratic Party now holds more concern for Americans of African descent than conservatives, or particularly the GOP.

Nothing can be farther from the truth. But as we’ve seen already, the farther from the truth one deviates, the more dearly held the narratives of the left wing.

The slave-holding mentality of the twenty-first century resides in three places: the doctrines of Islam, Marxist ideology, and the modern-day Democratic Party. All three degrade the humanity of those they presume to manage out of a self-defined sense of superiority. Inflated ego arises from psychological wounds festering in compensation; the condition produces perceived privilege to direct the lives of others like an untended laceration seeps pus.

The compulsion to direct, to run the show, to make things happen is insatiable. History is replete with unfortunate examples of the affliction. The assumed divine right of kings led to colonial imperialism in prior centuries, culminating with the onset of transportation and military technologies in nineteenth-century nationalism. In the next, two great wars followed as extensions of ideology promoting national interest to the exclusion of noble considerations governing civil international behavior. The many millions who died left their survivors determined to rebuild the world in an entirely different paradigm.

So it was we arrived to the era of international cooperation, as expressed first in the failed League of Nations and afterward in the United Nations. The compulsion to direct the lives of others, always present in the shadows of human nature, assured the adoption of good ideas would afterward be run into the ground in the name of progress.

The current trend of political elites toward favoring global government is the unfortunate result. Elitism metastasized is what produces this ideological tumor.

The primary obstacle to globalized government is the strength of the social fabric expressed in a strong national culture and identity. Ideas expressed by our founding documents—of just powers derived from the consent of the governed, government as a necessary danger liable to attract those who prefer directing to serving, and promoting a shared consensus regarding moral judgments whose fruit is healthy living and an improved general condition—are anathema to globalized socialists. They’d rather stand in the ranks of like ilk currently threatening to undo the character of our stable and prosperous society.

The Left needed a bogeyman to distract, to redirect, to project as a danger in order to advance their narrative solutions. They constructed the image of the White Nationalist to fulfill all those deplorable requirements, leveraging righteous indignation felt toward unrelated and hateful ideologies such as white supremacy and white separatism.

National interest, as opposed to globalized socialism, roots in self interest. Whether one expounds the subject to the extent found in Ayn Rand’s literature is a matter of philosophy. Ms. Rand’s essential point, however, that self interest does not morally equate to selfishness, endures critical and historical examination to a greater extent than louder voices who decry the same in the name of collectivism.

National culture in the United States is a sense of integrity making borders a necessity. Bolstered by ideological Americanism into an enduring moral fabric, it’s now portrayed by those advancing the narrative of White Nationalism to be the modern equivalent of the very ideologies our opposing strengths defeated in two World Wars.

My annoyance with the political Left throwing the Nazi label at ideological Americans tests my wordsmith’s capacity to express. Nazism—a contraction of national socialism, by the way—reflects the same fascist tendencies of their camp, not mine. My father was written up for the Bronze Star after being shot at by real Nazis, not upright folk who accept the reality of adult life in which one’s behavior is subject to rational criticism. The narrative specter of White Nationalism is nothing more than a shield against being required to defend indefensible premises and mask globalizing collectivist tendencies.

Regardless, closely resembling Hitler’s ideology—now consigned to the dustbin of history—doesn’t make the political Left Nazis either, relentless as they are in assuming to occupy unearned moral high ground. They are merely whiny pursuers of lame advantage, such as is found in attempting the assignment of unwarranted guilt.

There is nothing inherently noble or suspicious in skin color, and anyone asserting otherwise is a racist regardless of their own extraction. The depths of depravity in setting aside the benefits of morality, altruism and other attributes of humanity are plumbed in exploiting divisive identity politics. Ideological Americanism was formulated to negate those dangers.

Americanism is the embrace of beneficial identity politics, incorporating and promoting virtues the political Left reject as excessively judgmental of their behavior. Like the remainder of their platform, it stems from having little idea of what works or what kills.

America descended from the valid faith of the Judeo-Christian experience, that storehouse of Things that Are Real and treasury of long-held guidelines preserved so we should have life, and live it more abundantly. The vacuous faithlessness of secularism driving globalized socialism will never satisfy the human spirit to the same extent.

Under the banner of our tribe, it’s okay to be white, or black, brown, red, or Asian. Patriotism is a virtue. Humanity should preside over one’s ideology, doctrine, or politics. Sound and thriving souls know such things a priori, without needing to be instructed.

History, not to mention natural law, harshly judges the insubstantial. Screeching demonization of the sort currently driving the political Left is propelling their camp toward a steep drop-off, and it seems little can be done to convince those deaf to the Spirit otherwise. Were it so, they wouldn’t have occupied the vehicle of their destruction in the first place … and those mandated shoulder belts and airbags won’t help much once their deficient ideology hits rock bottom.

Choose to love, -DA


Defining moments are the lightning strikes of history. At times, the sudden flash of illumination passes to leave a smoking crater in the ground. So it was this past week with kerfuffle as the President’s opposition attempted, as is tiresome and usual, to spin one of his comments into a thread of advantageous narrative.

Mara Salvatrucha, composed largely of Salvadoran, Honduran, and Guatemalan thugs, are more commonly referred to as the notorious MS-13 gang. They are also a focus of immigration enforcement in the current administration. Their repertoire of people smuggling, robbery, larceny, human trafficking, extortion, murder, money laundering, prostitution (including child prostitution), racketeering, battery, kidnapping, and arms trafficking is international in scope. The premise that these bipedal targets care little for the rule of law as it relates to national borders is extrapolated from their demonstrated disdain for every other aspect of civilization.

So, when President Trump referred to them as animals, following his characteristic rhetorical idiom, the man’s political opposition jumped on another perceived opportunity to occupy unearned moral high ground and pander to an assumed voter base. It’s unlikely that the members of MS-13 are politically active to the point of voting. Regardless, if so their support for Democrats indeed would be expected. As with most positions of the political Left, though, imagining this stretches the boundaries of sanity, much less common sense.

True to form in competing with the man his country elected to oppose them, the blue cancer in our American political system as a result suffered another in a long and wonderful series of setbacks. Defining moments. Lightning. Smoking crater in the ground. Repeat as necessary, natural law whispers.

Leftists exist as a result of efforts from better folk. Strong people, as the cycle of history shows, produce good times. The vagaries of human nature ensure good times produce a preponderance of weak people, who afterward enable the bad times producing a saving number of leaders and doers to tow their fellows out of the ideological morass of extended, and afterward institutionalized, false premises. So do good times reappear … for awhile, at least.

Following its part in these processes, the Democratic Party found itself in the same week twice defending Nancy Pelosi’s feigned outrage. Once, it was over purported disrespect shown the “divine spark” present in members of deceased Hamas terrorists littering the border between Gaza and Israel, and again prompted by his denigrating a criminal gang whose members are documented to have killed a man’s family in front of him using a chainsaw. The apparent lack in comprehension of essential concepts marking an appreciated differentiation between philosophical alternatives has seldom been so starkly displayed.

Writing purposefully in vehicles of fiction as I do, contrasting the state of humanity and its antithesis is a constant. The guiding philosophies of my actors and the consequences of their decisions comprise the supporting structure of more than a dozen novels to date. Humans are found there, and animals in human form:

Muhammad Qasim al-Khafji dedicated to a faulted vision of revelation.
His brother Omar Ali served himself in the indulgence of revenge.
Abdur-Razzaq ibn Ali ruthlessly pursued power.
Ubayd Syed Sulayman made a more honorable man a prisoner for advantage.
Yameen Amjad al-Khobar and Mikhail Ivanovich Smolin chose greed.
Minister Liu Chunwang assumed highest the authority of his Central Committee.
Valka Gerard valued too much the same ideology of accumulated power.
Colonel Berislav Borojevic fully embraced ends justifying means.
Maxim Osip Kakhovsky made death a profession in a living world.
Nasir Murad Houthi yielded to a voice declaring him an arbiter of judgment.

To call them animals is a rhetorical device. I’ve known animals with souls. I saw that of G. Gordon Kitty through its windows, while he was sitting on my chest doing the same with me. I’ve known people whose lack of attendance to their essential questions generated the amalgam of decadence manifesting in my ability to write a despicable antagonist. They are not animals, but vessels of a corroding soul; indeed a spark of the divine, if only in the sense that they risk enduring forever the sentence of righteously rendered judgment.

The stewardship to which we were commissioned involves edification of upright folk and the management of those who refuse to take up the attributes of humanity: validation of the effort having gone into our appearance. Humanity is a cause taken up to hold and not an inheritance; it is, as faith, the evidence of things unseen.

To see, often we first need to look. Since trilobites scrounged the beds of primordial seas, creatures have acted on the information at hand to good and bad results. Humanity descends from clarity, the farsighted vision to which one’s ears also contribute. Clarity remains free from the deceptions of optics, engineered steering toward a deceptive narrative so often strategized by those whose obsession is to direct the lives of others.

To see what is, one must perceive the natural order accurately: One’s God and Creator, followed by allegiances to righteous government descending from his delegated principles and bestowed rights, followed by the love of family given to ordering and propagating healthy and vital society. It is a prioritization, in descent, of dedication.

Dismissing a slow-to-anger Divinity and replacing His authority with the self or the state comprises the sin of usurpation. As with all others, it pays in death rather than whatever other currency—power, pleasure, or plunder—is promised.

To be human is to tend the soul. Humanity manifests in undertaking a long work of life, one founded, as is that of our Source, in love when the alternatives are indifference and hate, a premise presented in my character Jon Anthony’s enduring tripartite.

The first assessment you should make of another human being is whether they truly are alive, or merely living. As I saw in Gordon, the eyes are where one may go for that, being the lamps of the body as Jesus taught in Matthew 6:22-23:

(22) “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. (23) But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!”

Seeking guidance for the maintenance of one’s soul, the undertaking we generalize as the attribute of humanity, is the business of the spirit. Its gravitation toward the Creator is engineered, and the lifelong circle it travels homeward is an irresistible beckoning and destiny awaiting us each and every one. Some arrive to that court finding their shortcomings compensated by grace, while others encounter only the judgment reserved for the downside of free will. Enabling the choice of love through embrace of its rivals, those culpable find their unwilling place in a perfect plan to have been acting as the load-bearing work making His righteous souls strong. What lasts is best, and we have its promise from Paul in 1 Corinthians 13:13:

“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”

Life is found there, and in knowing this the dullest spark among us may share that much of the mind of God. Hold out your hope for them, for that is what will bring you joy … and the fulfillment of your treasure of true humanity.

Choose to love, -DA


In production news, the fifth title of Boone’s File, A Garden in Russia, is approaching the halfway point in production editing and remains on schedule for a September release. Nearly every surviving character you remember from chronologically previous titles is there—contesting for the democratic process during a constitutional crisis in the Russian Federation—as the series approaches Maximum Boone in epic fashion. Our redheaded spitfire and dynamo of resilient feminine strength wouldn’t have it any other way.

What have we learned, America?

Eight years is a long wait for something to be over. Faith leads to endurance by the promise of James 1:3, and so those who hope also cultivate patience for the sake of what will become apparent eventually.

What have we learned in the interim of what is so close to being a lost decade? Left to drift away, these lessons will be lost, and we will have further diminished rather than rallied. That is not the American way.

Historically, societies trend downward in a cycle leading from decline to slavery. Through revolution and revitalization, perhaps, a people may rise again. The efforts and achievements of the capable produce comfortable complacency and lay the seedbed of decline anew through overproducing the idiot children of success. People survive such times, but nations of the past in many instances have not. This, supposedly, is the Information Age, though; we need not follow the same stumbling path yet again. Toward that end and amongst many others:

Lesson One:  Angry crowds do surprising things
We’ve learned that the American people, put to the hard choice, will choose the deeply crass over the utterly corrupt. Such impertinence is the fruit of having the GOP elephant and the Democrat donkey morph into the statist ass-weasel, an invasive species currently dominating the swamp habitat of Washington, D.C. Legislators, rediscover integrity and heal yourselves.

Lesson Two: Iconography is a poor substitute for competence
Going forward, the electorate needs to demand results from the beneficiaries of its populism, rather than serve as cheerleaders for any cult of personality. To take up the duty of preserving our constitutional ideals in the face of arrogant elitism of whatever stripe must become a consuming, national passion. The spice of Americanism must flow.

Lesson Three: Do Not Feed The Tyrants
Empowerment will only intensify a compulsion to direct the lives of others. Affliction with ideology assigning citizens servitude to government rather than the reverse cannot be sated, only isolated, vilified, and shunned by honorable folk. Meeting or failing recurring challenges of the magnitude encountered in the outgoing administration will define us for future generations. Those defective souls who eventually lead government past the bounds of humanity may only be put down by force of arms, and technology is leaving good men with rifles nearly out of contention on the modern battlefield.

Lesson Four: Situational awareness
Enemies domestic thrive on the disinterest of honorable folk. Matters recently progressed to the edge of tolerance because the majority of the population had their heads down and their eyes closed. Our founders constructed this system of government with the assumption its citizenry would look after their own interests, as would the co-equal branches of limited government. Patterns of power leaving this righteous construct must be corrected or excised going forward and without exception, despite any lure of contrarian pragmatism.

Lesson Five: Be the People
Character remains the primary issue in politics and life generally, and needs to be cultivated in expectations held for ourselves and others. A disciplined population will elevate substantive people, following the advice of Jethro to Moses. Those fear God, are trustworthy, hate dishonest gain, and enter public service appreciating the duty of servant leadership. While they are empowered we must watch them carefully, and, should the lure of privilege take hold, dismiss them as warranted. Term limiting is a great place to begin, but will need to be enacted over the squalls of currently entrenched officeholders.

So here we are, at another end and beginning as has been the construct of history since we became a literate species. But who reads, right? Beyond prayerful supplication, one may only hope for the best, check the household inventories for shortfall, and know that God will be glorified at the conclusion of our days.

Choose to love, -DA


In production news, the fourth title of Boone’s File, Meat for the Lion, has passed through story-line refinement in Content Edit and now stands twenty percent complete in primary editing. We currently anticipate a summer release!